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27 April
We keep working online!

Dear friends!
We carefully follow the situation in the world and sincerely hope that virus COVID-19 won’t touch you and your relatives.

The world pandemic situation hit many spheres of activities for the short time. Quarantine period influenced business and lifestyle of people.

In such a difficult period it’s tough to keep to regular working rhythm, but we do our best in the current temporary reality.

Our company is following all the recommendations from our government to stay self-isolated. We keep working from home, process all requests and answer all questions.

We and the most of our partners were able to adapt to the worldwide digitalization. It made it easier for us to keep in touch with our partners and provide all the important information online.

We do our best to work non-stop and truly believe that together we can make it and will meet each other personally in the nearest future.

With best wishes Ak-Sai Team!

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15 April
22 years anniversary!

Dear friends, today Ak-Sai Travel celebrates 22 years anniversary! You’ve probably heard many times the phrase “Happy people don’t watch the time”.
And for real, no any single happy person never spotted how long his happiness lasts. This is just impossible task to do. Anyway, we tried. Starting from the 1998 it’s been passed:
22 years,
8036 days
192864 hours
115718140 minutes
694310400 seconds
And this is just a beginning! We want to thank everyone who were and be with us and to all who will join us in future.
Those seconds, minutes, hours and years were absolutely unique, filled with your smiles and unforgettable emotions. We are always happy to see our old friends and meet new people who will become our friends anyway!
We conquered many peaks, won contests, become #1 and all this thanks to your support. We congratulate everybody who are a part of the family of Ak-Sai Travel – today we are 22 years old. Happy Birthday!

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20 March
Excursion to Alamedin Gorge

Last weekend in our “Travel, Discover, Help” project was rich with fresh mountain air, tons of positive emotions and beautiful valley landscapes. Together with our wards from orphanage, we went to the Alamedin canyon that located to the south from Bishkek.

We aimed to reach frozen waterfall Tiketor (5.6 km one way) following the rugged mountainous terrain. The weather was perfect, no any single cloud during the day. While hiking, children familiarized with mountain relief, learned the safety code of stay in the mountains and trained their skills of moving in groups in the mountains area. Also children found out where two famous peaks Kyrgyzstan and Aman Too are situated. When we reached our goal, everybody camp nearby for lunch and some active games.

“Travel, Discover, Help” project continuous its program and is going to take kids to the annual trek to Konorcheck canyon for 2-3 days, that situated on the border between Chui and Issyk Kul Lake valleys.

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6 March
Милые, прекрасные женщины, поздравляем Вас с 8 марта!
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4 March
Visit to Kyrgyz Aviation University.

Today we write about promised visit to Kyrgyz Aviation University.

Time goes by in “Travel Discover Help” and this is our second visit to the mentioned University as we’ve got new generation of children from the Voenno-Antonovka orphanage

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20 February
Visit AUCA college.
Yesterday, on 18th of February, there was a new day in Travel Discover Help project when we took our wards to AUCA.
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13 February
First experience in Paintball

Finally, our long-awaited trip to a Paintball-game took place.

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12 February
Customs and traditions of nomads

Bride’s send-off – “Kyz Uzatu”

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20 December
“Lonely Planet” published us!

Lonely Planet — is a publishing house, was founded in 1972 and has more than 300 authors.

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15 November
Theater named after A. Umuraliev
There was one more cultural event in our Travel Discover Help project on 14th of November.
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7 November
Sign in to guides-translators courses!

“Ak-Sai Travel” company announces the start of guides-translators courses!

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6 November
Ak-Sai Travel at WTM 2019!

We are at the travel fair WTM (World Travel Market).

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