Horseback riding games played a vitally important role for Kyrgyz people. The main aim of these games was to teach children to ride horses professionally.
Nowadays it is entertainment. You have a chance to watch various kinds of traditional Kyrgyz horseback riding games like:
- Ulak Tartysh
- Oodarysh
- At Chabysh
- Kyz Kuumai
- Tyiyn Enmei
Ulak Tartysh. The most famous nomadic game. It might seem cruel as it is played with a dead and headless goal (make sure to ask for a “fake” goat if you don’t want to watch it. It is possible to arrange when booking the horse riding games show).
The game is played on a field 200 meters long and 70 meters wide. But the size of the field can vary according to the number of participants. Two kazans – big goals with 4.4 meters in diameter and 1.2 meters high are placed on opposite sides of a field. A goal is scored each time a ulak (goat carcass) is placed in an opponent’s kazan.
Oodarysh. Usually are played by the strongest men in the village. It is kind of a wrestling match when two men try to throw each other off their horses.
At Chabysh. A horse race on a long distance. Participation is free for everyone and almost doesn’t have age limits. Even teenagers can participate. However, the minimum age for participants is 13.
Tyin Enmey. The game is for professional riders. The task is to pick up a coin while riding a galloping horse. The distance of the field is approximately 100 meters, the coins are placed 50 – 60 meters from the start of the field.
Kyz Kuumai. The most romantic horse game. It was initially played at weddings. It was the groom who had to catch up to the bride and give her a kiss to show her love. If he can’t do it she was allowed to smack him with her whip!
Now the game is played not only by grooms and brides but also by young people and can be watched at festivals or other celebrations.
It is possible to watch most of the horse riding games on request. You just need to inform the time and dates and pick up the location. The prices and locations can be negotiated with the manager (please fill the contact form above). The prices start from 150 USD per group.
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