Fascinating Kyrgyzstan tour for those who don’t like to be in a hurry and prefer to learn traditions with the deep integration to the culture. 10 days to explore Silk Road sights, Tian Shan Mountains and real nomadic life style.
Travel in Kyrgyzstan and explore:
- The capital of Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek city
- Visit Ala Archa natural park
- The ruins of Silk Road town – Balasagyn
- Striking and colorful canyons and gorges of Tien Shan Mountains
- Ancient Petroglyphs site, the temple in the open air of Scythians and Huns which is the highlight of any tour in Kyrgyzstan
- Tash Rabat, a 11-14th century caravanserai
- Son Kul Lake – nomad paradise