Last weekend in our “Travel, Discover, Help” project was rich with fresh mountain air, tons of positive emotions and beautiful valley landscapes. Together with our wards from orphanage, we went to the Alamedin canyon that located to the south from Bishkek.
We aimed to reach frozen waterfall Tiketor (5.6 km one way) following the rugged mountainous terrain. The weather was perfect, no any single cloud during the day. While hiking, children familiarized with mountain relief, learned the safety code of stay in the mountains and trained their skills of moving in groups in the mountains area. Also children found out where two famous peaks Kyrgyzstan and Aman Too are situated. When we reached our goal, everybody camp nearby for lunch and some active games.
“Travel, Discover, Help” project continuous its program and is going to take kids to the annual trek to Konorcheck canyon for 2-3 days, that situated on the border between Chui and Issyk Kul Lake valleys.